Archivio della Società romana di storia patria vol. 141 (2018)



Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Anacleto II, gli antipapi e la Chiesa medievale. La storia come esito di possibilità aperte

Riccardo Di Segni, La leggenda del papa ebreo e la storia dell’antipapa Anacleto II

Alison Locke Perchuk, Anacletus II, The Pierleoni and the Rebuilding of Rome, ca. 1070-1150

Maria Teresa Bonadonna Russo, I soggiorni romani del Senatore Fogazzaro

Vincenzo Pacifici, Felice Santini deputato romano (1895-1909)

Giuseppe Simonetta – Laura Gigli, Storia di un ritorno e del rinnovamento di un dono. Palazzo Capranica in Roma

Periodici pervenuti alla Società, a cura di Francesca Pardini

Pubblicazioni pervenute alla Società, a cura di Francesca Pardini

Atti della Società. Consiglio Direttivo (16 febbraio, 15 marzo, 12 aprile, 24 maggio, 21 settembre, 13 dicembre 2018); Assemblea dei Soci (24 gennaio, 12 aprile 2018)

Cariche Sociali


Anacleto II, gli antipapi e la Chiesa medievale. La storia come esito di possibilità aperte

Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri

This essay evaluates the utility of examining antipopes — in this case, Anacletus II — through the lens of contrafactual history, inasmuch as they represent an aspect of Church history in which we can see quite clearly the pitfalls of teleological interpretation. It then addresses some of the ways in which medieval political actors intervened in reality on the levels of projection, rhetoric, and propaganda, interventions that, while devoid of tangible results, were presented in their historical moment as if they had already taken effect.


La leggenda del papa ebreo e la storia dell’antipapa Anacleto II

Riccardo Di Segni

In the Middle Ages a legendary tale about a Jewish pope spread in the Jewish world. In this essay the main facts of the question are analyzed and the tale of the Jewish pope is also associated with the supposed Jewish origins of Anacletus II


Anacletus II, the Pierleoni, and the Rebuilding of Rome, ca. 1070-1150

Alison Locke Perchuk

Since the 1888 publication of Louis Duchesne’s «Le nom d’Anaclet au palais du Latran», in which the French historian attributed to Pope Anacletus II the decoration of the now-lost St. Nicholas Chapel in the Lateran Palace, scholars have sought to attribute to Anacletus artistic and architectural projects encompassing several of Rome’s major churches and to connect a further set of churches to the direct or indirect patronage of Anacletus’s family, the Pierleoni. In the context of a volume dedicated to reconsidering the papacy of Anacletus II, it seems appropriate to survey the status quaestionis of these attributions and to contextualize Anacletus’s patronal activity.


Felice Santini deputato romano (1895-1909)

Vincenzo G. Pacifici

The essay studies and analyzes the figure of Felice Santini (1850-1922) in his professional experiences and in his long political life. Santini was a doctor, he began his military career and reached the rank of colonel and major general in the Naval Reserve. From 1895 to 1909 Santini was Deputy for the center-right in the II college of Rome. In his political activities Santini engaged in medical matters and he was committed to the city of Rome. He was Senator from 1912 to his death (1922).


Storia di un ritorno e del rinnovamento di un dono: Palazzo Capranica in Roma

Giuseppe Simonetta – Laura Gigli

Palazzo Capranica was built between 1446 and 1450, partly from the foundations and partly by expanding and renovating pre-existing buildings. The research reconstructs the history of the foundation of the Capranica College and identifies the cultural identity that underlies the work from the moment in which the coexistence of an authentic and original “spiritual consci


ottobre 2020, pp. 210


Codice: ISBN 9788897808350 Catalogo: